Sunday, April 5, 2009

Please help me become the 105.5 Triple M Backstage Blogger

If you still are reading this....PLEASE HELP!

This is a shameless plea for your support. I am planning to go to Bonnaroo in June with my friend Chris Marsh, partially to celebrate her 40th birthday. We both have entered 105.5 Triple M's contest to be the Backstage Blogger. Our prize will include backstage passes for both of us, and the opportunity to interview artists, etc. Can you please vote for me, or both of us? (You will have to open another browser, i.e. Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari. OR delete your cookies after voting to vote multiple times.)

Please pass on to anyone who thinks a couple of mamas need to get our dance on backstage @ Bonnaroo! (Headlining artists are: Phish, Bruce Springsteen, Wilco, Al Green, Beastie Boys, Ani DiFranco and dozens of others!!!)

Thanks in advance, and don't be surprised if you see more campaigning from me in the next week. The voting ends on April 8th.

Friday, November 7, 2008

So Proud!

Yesterday Skylar went to her first ballet class. For the last 8 weeks Skylar has gone to watch Rory attend ballet in her own full ballet attire. She always wants to go into the room, and it was all a little pitiful when I had to drag her away. I talked to the teacher, who I have known for a while, and she agreed that since Skylar was potty-trained, and obviously interested we could try her in the class even though she isn't 3 yet (not even 2.5!). Well, she was so precious, such a good listener, totally unclingy. I thought she would be cool, but she really surprised me with how she followed directions and focused on the instructions. I should of taken a picture, but I was trying to be low-key so she didn't rush over to me watching through the window. Can't believe how much she has grown and change just over the last year.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote Vote Vote

Just got back from an energizing poll watching shift. It is a beautiful day here in Madison, and I am soooo excited to watch the polls tonight. Vote! Vote! Vote!

Here is a copy of Rory's picture on the Dane101 website.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Stella and Dot party

I hosted a Stella and Dot jewelry party for Sarah today at the house. It was fun, although I was pretty stressed about the house before people came over. I solved the anxiety easily by putting a note on the door asking my friends to forgive the non perfection. Interestingly, it worked. I kind of felt like the note absolved me of the guilt. It was fun to see my friends, it always seems like the time goes so fast and everyone is just so desperate to talk that the time is just eaten. I feel really lucky that I have so many fun interesting people in my life, I just wish it was easier to get together with them more often. Oh well.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

It's been too long since I have posted here. So.

We had a great Halloween weekend. Friday we had homemade pizza with the Fortneys, followed by trick or treating and then tonight we had a wonderful sushi dinner at Wasabi with the Westmonts followed by costume watching on State St.

More pictures to come

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Trip to Portsmouth, NH

We had a great time on our trip to NH. It was so great to see Katie, Chris and Nolan. Hope we can make it back when the weather is nicer.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

All about the potty

Skylar has decided to potty train herself. I say that, because I had no interest in starting this before the summertime, when the weather is more conducive to running around with no pants on. But, our girl has definite opinions of her own, and after that first applause following the tinkle in the potty she hasn't looked back. She has been wearing pull-ups, mostly because she was becoming a nightmare to get a diaper on. And due to the wetness detector on them, I can tell that she is staying dry most of the day. The downside is: she has a bladder the size of a pea, and is in there every 1/2 hour or so doing a few Tbsps at best. Then the struggle to get the pull-up back on (she wants to do EVERYTHING herself), then the struggle to get the pants back on. ugh. Then next thing I know, "More, More". Strip down again, she sits, poof, that's it. Start all over.

How do I explain to a 21 month old that you can just pass gas in your pull-up?? I suppose I should leave that to her dad.