Friday, January 12, 2007

And just like that we are almost halfway through January

Well, we made it to 2007! After plane trips to Cincinnati and New York, and Skylar laid up with ear infections and colds, it is nice to be home.

We had so much fun seeing all of our family and friends over the holidays. Rory enjoyed playing with all of her cousins (Ben and Ellie) and her cousins once removed (Shelby, B, & Joe) (We are always trying to figure this out!)

This was taken on a fun adventure to Cincinnati Union Terminal with Mommer and Buck. What a fun time.

Another highlight from our trip was getting to see all of the babies that were born in 2006 (and 2005-Wade!). Below are some pics of the ladies and the babies.

(on left: Cate & Abby, Margot & Hadley, Kari & Rory & Skylar, Betsy & Jake &Wade)

(on right: Margot & Hadley, Susie & Maggie, Cate & Abby, Betsy & Wade, Kari & Skylar)

And don't think Rory has forgotten about the Sound of Music. She got a new CD player from Gammy and Papa for X-Mas, so we are singing the tunes on a daily basis. Here is a hilarious clip of the chaos on X-Mas night, it was probably about the 7th time we had listened to this song.

Next it was on to New York.

We had our long awaited meet-up with our friends Rich & Monica, and got to meet baby Cooper for the 1st time. We started our trip at the Museum of Natural History . We made it through the dinasour floor, and then split for a walk across Central Park (hotdog lunch, included) to Rich & Monica's apartment.

(Rich& Cas, Kari & Sky, Chuck & Rory)

The strategic moves and skills that it takes to get 4 kids down for a nap in a 2 bedroom apt. on the Upper East side is very complicated, but we managed. Some other good pics below:

Finally Rory and Skylar so enjoyed visiting with Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Andy, GG, Sarah & Kirsten, and all the other Centerport friends that always come over for visits!

For more photos....go to 2006 Holidays. Next up...Rory's 3rd Birthday!

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